Therese's Story

Inspiring Mother & Wife

 Therese grew into a strong beautiful woman who was closely connected to her family, friends, and community. She had a very dry and witty sense of humor and loved to make her friends laugh. Always an optimist, Therese saw the best in people, and as an artist loved beauty in the arts, and in nature. Therese was extraordinarily dedicated to her work, and was selfless, always sacrificing her own interests to support friends and family in anything they needed. 

Marriage and Family

Rich text

In 2008 with her boys in high school, Therese ventured back to work, signing on as an employee for Trader Joes in Palmdale CA. Trader Joes became more than an employer to Therese, she became remarkably close to her fellow teammates and her customers, often referring to her store as “my second family”.  She embraced the Trader Joes philosophy of product quality and value, and spent many hours outside work studying the origin, composition, and qualities of the products she was presenting to her customers. 

Something Felt Different

Cancer Diagnosis

It Happened So Fast

On the morning of November 18th, however, her condition worsened. During the evening of November 18th her blood pressure and heart rate began deteriorating. The doctors and nurses sent her to intensive care, but it was too late, two blood clots had settled in her lungs. We lost Therese to this world in the early morning hours of November 19th, 2023. 

Therese was incredibly brave in her fight, never once uttering a complaint about her illness, always optimistic about her future, and our future. Therese was a shining example to all of us about how to live life, and face death, with dignity and courage. We will forever love her and will always remember her for the character and strength that she displayed in her final days. 

Our Committment

We are establishing the Therese Wisdom Memorial Foundation to raise awareness and support for the care and treatment for women impacted by ovarian cancer. We have partnered with non-profit organizations dedicated to delivering patient counseling and vital support services, and together with the medical community hope to make a difference in the fight against ovarian cancer.